Genre: Electronic Style: EBM Mode : VBRkbps / Joint-Stereo Released: Dec-15-2008 MySpace The album will be released on the "EBM family business" Electric Tremor Dessau - the label that recently got known for the excellent album by JAEGER 90!. "Thema Nummer Eins" is the name of the album and the armament for every dance floor hooligan, who does not only love but also live electronic body music. The keyboarder of legendary ARMAGEDODN DILDOS and his female counterpart ignite an electronic drumfire of more than 13 songs and 3 remixes over the heads of their audience. In the good old EBM tradition and yet somehow different! Tracklist: 1 Lass Mich Los (2:56) 2 Koerper Um Koerper (5:08) 3 Modern Angel (3:38) 4 Hoch Die Haemmer (3:32) 5 Elitaer (4:08) 6 Kuess Mich (4:28) 7 Pour Toi (3:50) 8 Sex Ist Macht (4:38) 9 Shout (4:16) 10 Seelenstrip (4:50) 11 Frostengel (3:50) 12 Gruene Augen Luegen (4:44) 13 Tanzflaechenhooligan (3:14) 14 Modern Angel (Konstruktionsfehler-Mix) (4:20) 15 Pour Toi (Pfuetzenspringer-Mix) (2:56) 16 Sex Ist Macht (Remix by Final Selection) (4:36) Download password -