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Главная » 2009 » Сентябрь » 23 » RA140 20090202 Pivot - Residentadvisor.
RA140 20090202 Pivot - Residentadvisor.

Country: Australian
Resident Advisor: RA.140 Pivot
Posted : February 2, 2009
Audio| Electronica
Source| Mix Comment!
Size: 79 Mb
Quality: 192 Kbps


Australian trio Pivot take us on a survey of synth pioneers on this week’s RA podcast.

There have always been rock bands that have taken elements of electronic music and incorporated them seamlessly into their tunes, but these days they’re legion: Animal Collective, Gang Gang Dance, Black Dice, Battles and many more have filtered genres to their varied tastes—taking the bits that they love and incorporating it into their sonically adventurous music as if it belonged there all along. Australian trio Pivot undoubtedly falls directly in line with this scene: Their 2008 Warp debut was chock full of the sort of cosmic synth sounds that Lindstrøm, Blackbelt Andersen and others have transformed into disco masterpieces. Pivot, however, take it in another direction, adding frenetic live drumming and guitars to the mix, giving the light-hearted keyboards of Jean-Michel Jarre and Vangelis a decidedly head-banging edge.

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Категория: Electronic, SynthPop | Просмотров: 452 | Добавил: News | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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